
Friday 12 January 2018

I'm sorry!

Hello everyone or anyone,

It’s been five months, two weeks and eleven days since I last posted.
I would like to formally apologize to former ardent readers who I probably disappointed when I went AWOL. I have no excuses other than life got me. You know how it goes, life is amazing!  And then it’s awful, and then it’s amazing again and in between the amazing and the awful, it can be ordinary and mundane. Through that roller coaster ride time might become invaluable, and before you know it you’ve stopped doing the things you love till you get a handle on it. I guess what I’m trying to say is life happened and I got busy, but I’m back. (Scouts honor)

I doubt anyone would read this considering how long I was inactive, but if you do please accept the apology and look forward to amazing stuffs from yours truly. I hope you like roses!!!!!

Better year for us all!

1 comment:

  1. Took you long enough!
    looking forward to amazing stories.
